Delta Robot
Delta Robot
Delta Robot
Delta Robot
Delta robot 'LASER' series is the world's best
It is a high-speed, high-precision delta robot, which is a 4-axis high-speed delta robot for small, medium, and large classes.
Delta robot 'LASER' series is the world's best
It is a high-speed, high-precision delta robot, which is a 4-axis high-speed delta robot for small, medium, and large classes.
Easy to introduce and use 'Easy'
'Safe' is safe to work with and
'Connected' Cooperative robot that can be connected anytime, anywhere
Easy to introduce and use'Easy'
'Safe' is safe to work with and
'Connected' Cooperative robot that can be connected anytime, anywhere
Delta robot'LASER' series is the world's best
It is a high-speed, high-precision delta robot, which is a 4-axis high-speed delta robot for small, medium, and large classes.
Neuromeka's representative model'Indy' is the first cooperative robot designed and manufactured by Neuromeka. Indy, a collaborative robot that guarantees operator safety based on an innovative collision detection algorithm, supports more intuitive Direct Teaching through impedance control, and allows online and offline programming through an Android tablet-based teaching pendant app.
Neuromeka's representative model'Indy' is the first cooperative robot designed and manufactured by Neuromeka. Indy, a collaborative robot that guarantees operator safety based on an innovative collision detection algorithm, supports more intuitive Direct Teaching through impedance control, and allows online and offline programming through an Android tablet-based teaching pendant app.
당사는 2021. 12. 6. 이사회를 통하여 아래와 같이 무상신주를 발행하기로 결의하였으므로 상법 제461조에 의거 이를 공고합니다.
- 아 래 -
1. 자본에 전입한 금액과 재원 : 주식발행초과금 금3,405,468,000원
2. 발행할 주식의 종류 : 기명식 보통주식, 기명식전환상환2종우선주식
3. 발행할 주식 수 : 보통주식 6,648,336주, 기명식전환상환2종우선주식 162,600주
4. 주식의 액면가액 및 발행가액 : 금500원
5. 신주 배정 기준일 : 2022. 1. 7.
6. 신주의 배정방법 : 2021. 12. 6. 현재의 주주에게 소유주식의 비율에 따라 동종의 신주를 배정함
2021. 12. 23.
주식회사 뉴로메카
서울특별시 성동구 연무장5가길 7, 성수역 현대테라스타워
대표이사 박종훈