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Control engine for cobots

Robot SW | IndyFramework

'IndyFramework 2.0' is the Neuromeka’s proprietary software framework developed for efficient development of effective cobot applications. Operating on robot controller 'STEP' environment, it is capable of controlling a robot at maximum 8kHz (in case of STEP3 controller). Thanks to general-purpose robust control algorithm library for articulated robots coping with kinematic singularity and model uncertainties as well as innovative collision detection algorithm a variety of robotic tasks can be implemented safely and stably. Furthermore, its software architecture is designed to accommodate extension for more features because a number of system functions necessary for automation system deployment and remote connected maintenance are included.  

High-speed control on hard RT OS

- Native EtherCAT master running on realtime OS Xenomai optimized for 'STEP'
- Robot control frequency of maximum 8kHz (4kHz for 'STEP2')

​General-purpose articulated robot control library

- Efficient kinematics and dynamics algorithm for a variety of robot structures 
- Nonlinear H-infinity optimal control based robust control algorithm
- Stable task control capability near kinematic singularities
- Impedance control algorithm in three-dimensional space
- A variety of path planning algorithms and trajectory interpolation algorithms in joint and task space

Safety and convenience by operation without fences

- Collision detection based ‘power and force limiting’ feature
- Realtime monitoring and limitation of joint velocities and currents 
- Online programming for joint and frame moves by 'CONTY' (Android teach pendant app)
- Direct teaching for joint move programming by physically moving robot joints
- Impedance teaching for frame move programming by physically moving the robot end-effector in selected translation and/or orientation directions

System utiity functions to facilitate automation system implementation

- Standard tool modules such as electrical grippers, electro-magnetic grippers, vacuum suction tools, automatic bolt runners
- Fully isolated DIO (each 16 channels) and high-performance AIO (each 2 channels)
- Independent EtherCAT port for interface of external slaves (via internal EtherCAT hub)
- TCP/IP, Modbus, and OPC-UA for interfacing external PLCs and/or controllers (SDK programming may be necessary)
- Standard IoT protocols such as MQTT

Smart Connected Maintenance

- Remote online SW update ('CONTY' app, realtime robot control runtime, and motor driver firmware)
- Log file transfer for remote diagnosis for system malfunction
- Webcam based operation black-box feature for remote site monitoring

Extendable robot SW architecture

- Plugin structure for control logic extension
- Python-based robot motion script programming
- SDK for extension of robot functionalities and algorithms

Robot as a Tool |  Robot as a Service |  Robots for Every Workplace

Neuromeka Co.,Ltd.   Econet Center, 78, Achasan-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul  (04782)   TEL : 1661-0773   Sales :   PR/Mkt :
Copyright 2023. Neuromeka all rights reserved.

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